For volleyball liberos to succeed, how tall do they have to be? The answer would still be pretty tall if we looked at the Olympic average. Liberos in the Olympic men’s team are typically around 185 cm or 6 feet tall. Liberos in Olympic volleyball are usually 166 cm or 5’5 inches tall.
As a libero in men’s volleyball, do you have to be around 6 feet tall? What is the importance of height to a libero? How Tall Are Liberos In Volleyball
In order to better understand just how much impact height has on these players, let’s analyze the averages for different levels.
What Is The Average Height Of A Libero?

As the shortest player on the court, the libero usually plays the libero. More interesting than the numbers themselves is how they relate to other court positions.
Libero Height Compared To Other Positions
An interesting piece of data about height based on position was published during the 2012 Olympics. Liberos had an average height of 10cm (4 inches) less than the next shortest position (setter).
Observing volleyball on TV, they seem like school children compared to the rest of the team!
Volleyball middle vs libero height
There is a significant height difference between a middle blocker and libero, usually more than eight inches.
The average height of an Olympic libero
Over the years, Olympic liberos have remained fairly consistent in height. Olympic men’s volleyball liberos stand on average 185cm or 6 feet tall.
185cm is the average height of the top five liberos worldwide, based on the height data from the 2012 Olympics!
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USA Libero Height
It is also important to take into account the height of the Team USA liberos.
- The height of Erik Shoji is 184 cm
- The height of Kyle Dagostino is 175 cm
- The height of Mason Briggs is 183 cm
The average height of a libero in college volleyball

We’ve provided a chart below that shows the average height for men’s college volleyball liberos.
Men’s College Libero Height Ranges
Division | D1/D2 | D2/D3 | D3/NAIA | NAIA/CCCAA |
Height | 5’8″ – 6’2″(173cm – 188cm) | 5’8″ – 6’1″(173cm – 185.5cm) | 5’8″ – 6’1″(173cm – 185.5cm) | 5’8″ – 6’3″(173cm – 190.5cm) |
In the table below you can see how tall the average college volleyball player is.
Women’s College Libero Average Heights
Division | D1 | D2 | D3 | NAIA |
Height | 5’6(168cm) | 5’5″(165cm) | 5’5″(165cm) | 5’5″(165cm) |
How Important Is Height For A Libero?

Is there a minimum height requirement for liberos?
A person’s height is almost completely irrelevant
Fortunately, liberos don’t really care about their height. It would be possible to have a problem if you were too tall, which sounds like a good one!
There are plenty of liberos who are shorter than 6′ for men, but the average height of liberos is around 6′ for men.
Volleyball’s shortest libero
Men’s volleyball’s shortest libero is Iran’s Farhad Zarif, who stands at only 5’5″ (165cm). Several liberos around this height, including Taichiro Koga, are Japanese.
Can You Be Too Tall To Play Libero?
If your height prevents you from digging volleyballs, you can’t play libero. A good digger is usually fast and can operate relatively close to the ground.
Will someone who is 195cm tall, who is faster and more nimble, be able to get down low and dig better than you if you’re 195cm tall?
No, probably not. Liberos seem to peak out around 190cm tall due to this reason. Even if you’re taller than that, you could be a successful libero, but you’ll probably have a harder time.
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Volleyball scholarship requirements for liberos
According to college volleyball recruiting guidelines, even liberos must meet height requirements.
The ideal height for women is 5’5″ or taller. The minimum height for men is 6 feet.
It wouldn’t be a problem if you aren’t tall enough. The impact of height on this position is very minimal, as any scout worth their salt knows.
You can still get a scholarship if you’re an amazingly talented libero, regardless of your height.
Liberos Needs More Attention

Liberos and defensive specialists should not be concerned about height. If you want to succeed in volleyball as a libero, you need to focus on two things.
Digging Consistency
It is fairly common for liberos to pass the ball well. Liberos’ ability to dig is what makes them stand out.
Technique plays an important role in this. Speed and explosive power play a part in some of it.
You need to be willing to chase/dive after every ball, no matter how big or small. To see how insanely good Jenia Grebennikov has become at digging for inspiration, take a good hard look at the greatest libero of all time.
Passing Consistency
Passing the volleyball is the first thing to consider. Liberos who cannot pass are like ashtrays on motorcycles: useless.
Train yourself to become a better passer and you will see great results. The only thing you need to do is pass more volleyballs if your technique is decent.
The quicker you can pass 600 volleyballs than your opponents, the better passer you will be.
Can a tall player be a libero in volleyball?
Volleyball liberos can be tall players, though it’s less common. It may, however, be necessary for them to adapt their playing style to accommodate their height.
Are there any height restrictions for liberos in volleyball?
Liberos are not subject to specific height restrictions under volleyball regulations. This position is suitable for players of different heights.
Do shorter liberos struggle against taller opponents?
A libero with a shorter height may find it challenging to play against a taller opponent, especially when playing at the net. Despite their short stature, they can compensate by being agile and defensive.
What are the key attributes of a successful libero?
A successful libero must be agile, defensively proficient, anticipatory, and court-aware. Even though height is a factor in this position, it is not the only one.
How can liberos improve their defensive skills?
The defensive skills of liberos can be enhanced by training that focuses on pass-dig drills, as well as reading the attacks of the opponent. Learning from experienced coaches and studying game footage can also help improve skills.
It should be clear to you by now that liberos don’t place a great deal of importance on height. If you’re bigger than 193-194cm, it will only be a problem if you’re too slow to be a star defender.
It’s not a problem at all if you’re short, as long as you make up for it with excellent digging abilities.
You can also read How Tall Are Setters In Volleyball?