Mandatory Requirements for Packaged Commodities Under Legal Metrology Certificate Act



According to the legal metrology certificate act, all importers and producers who manage the import of pre-packaged goods into India are required to obtain an LMPC Certificate, also known as a Legal metrology certificate Packaged Commodities Certificate. Every packer and importer of pre-packaged products is required by Rule 27 of the LMPC (Legal metrology certificate Packaged Commodities Rules), 2011[1] to register, obtain an LMPC Certificate, and ensure that the package is declared as required. This Act governs and controls the import, sale, and distribution of pre-packed commodities in India. If the maker or importer registered under this Act improves the fair-trade practices of such products and gives the appearance that they are protecting consumers. Therefore, getting an LMPC certificate for your product promotes accuracy in measuring and trustworthiness.  To see the requirements that are mandatory, scroll down.

What Are the Provisions Applicable to Packages Commodities Intended for Retail Sale?

The Legal metrology certificate Act’s mandatory regulations for pre-packaged goods for retail sales are as follows:

1. The Legal metrology certificate Act stipulates that certain declarations must be made on every package containing packaged goods. Individuals or business entities are not permitted to pre-pack any commodity or permit the pre-packing of goods for sale, distribution, or delivery unless the package containing the pre-packed commodity has the declaration on it or a label that is firmly attached to the package.
2. Every package needs to have a label that is securely fastened to it and a brief statement that satisfies the Legal metrology certificate Act’s criteria for packaged goods.

3. Details are required, such as the name and address of the manufacturer or, if relevant, the packer. Information about the importer, including name and address, must be included in every package that is imported. Customers can also view the declaration, which contains the package’s name and address, by scanning the QR code for more pertinent information.
4. Let’s say a company name and address appear on the label without the terms “manufactured by” or “packed by.” In that scenario, it will be presumed that the manufacturer’s name and address are involved, and liability will be assessed in accordance with that information.

  • The brand owner will be held accountable for breaking these regulations if their name and address are listed on the label of the container as a marketer.
    The name of the manufacturing or origin nation should be listed on the package for imported goods.
    Packages containing multiple products should list the name, number, or net quantity of each item. The generic names of the commodities should also be included.
    The standard unit of weight or measure of the item or goods in the package should be used to indicate the net quantity. The number of the commodity in the package must be stated if it is packaged or sold by number.
  • The product’s manufacturing details, such as the month and year, must be included in the packaging.
    The expiration date, or `use by the day, month, and year’, must be noted on the label of any product that may eventually become unfit for human consumption.
    The term “best before” refers to the date on which the product should be used up, regardless of how it is stored throughout that time.
    be commercially viable, maintain any unique attributes for which implicit promises have been made, and, even after the date, the commodity might still be safe to eat.
  • The term “Use by Date” or expiry date refers to the date that marks the end of the product’s estimated shelf life under any specified storage conditions, after which the item or product will no longer possess the quality characteristics that customers typically expect, and it should no longer be thought of as marketable.
    The package’s retail sale price must state that it is the highest possible retail price in Indian rupees, including all applicable taxes.
    The measurements of the products within the box or, if various pieces have different dimensions, the dimensions of each such different component shall be given, if the sizes of the product within the package relate to the description mentioned in the package.
  • It is not necessary to make a declaration regarding the month and year that the product is manufactured or pre-packaged.
    If there is still packaging material left over from the month when a commodity was widely anticipated to be pre-packed, it may be utilized to pre-pack the item produced or made in the following month, not the month after. However, the Union Government may extend the period of time that such packaging material can be used if it is fully satisfied that such material could not be exhausted during the aforementioned period due to any circumstance that happened beyond the manufacturer’s or packer’s control, as the case may be, or where any such material is exhausted before the month end.
  • office who can be reached in the event that a customer has a complaint should be written on every shipment. With the caveat that, for a period of one year starting on July 15, 2022, the package of any electronic product manufactured, packed, or imported after that date must disclose the product’s phone number and email address on the package and advise customers to scan the QR code on the package for additional product or customer-related information, if available.
  • Putting individual stickers on the packaging to make the necessary declarations or to make changes is not allowed in accordance with these guidelines. If the MRP (Maximum Retail Price) is to be reduced, a sticker with the revised lower MRP (including all taxes) may be attached to the package; however, this sticker will not conceal the MRP statement made on the package label by the manufacturer or packer, as applicable.
    It is acceptable to use stickers to make any declarations other than those that are required by these guidelines. The following may be declared on the packaging in addition to the other disclosures, and nothing in this rule prohibits a manufacturer, packer, or importer from doing so.

Barcodes, GTINs, QR Codes, or “e-codes” are used to ensure the net quantity of a commodity      and to make other necessary declarations once they have been obtained in the way that the Central Government has specified.
emblems of government programmes when use is permitted by the Central Government, such as Swatch Bharat Mission.

Provisions Applicable to Wholesale Packages 

Under the Legal metrology certificate Act, pre-packaged commodities for wholesale package products are subject to mandatory regulation. According to the Packaged Commodities under Legal metrology certificate Act, every wholesale package must have a clear, legible, and noticeable declaration on it.

(a) The information about the maker, importer, or packer, including their name and address

(b) The product’s identity that is inside the package &

(c) The total number of retail packages that make up the wholesale package as well as the net quantity of the commodity included in the wholesale package, measured in standard weights, counts, and numbers.

If a declaration identical to those required by the Act is required to be made on wholesale packages or under any other legislation, nothing in this regulation shall apply to a wholesale package.


For all manufacturers, importers, and packers that import pre-packaged commodities for sale and distribution, the Legal metrology certificate Packaged Commodities Rule specifies obligatory standards for packaged commodities under the Legal metrology certificate Act. The license may be granted by the controller or by any other authorized official of the legal metrology certificate department. Obtaining an LMPC Certificate guarantees fair trade practices, reliable and precise measurement and handling of the items.

About Micah Drews

After playing volleyball at an international level for several years, I now work out and write for Volleyball Blaze. Creating unique and insightful perspectives through my experience and knowledge is one of my top priorities.

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