East Grand Middle School volleyball squad to finish season Sept. 30

Micah Drews


There were 40 seventh and eighth graders on East Grand Middle School’s volleyball team this season. Casey Ruffin and Katie Trail joined as new coaches, while Kayleen Malone returned as a part-time coach.

This season, the coaches say, there has been a big improvement in the squad’s abilities.

Seeing the girls progress is so rewarding and fun. Ruffin says that girls who started volleyball recently are now getting better at spikes, serving, and tracking the ball every day.

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A whole team philosophy is being implemented by head coach Ruffin, and rosters are fluid based on availability, effort, and ability. Since the team has an impressive record this season, coaches are able to move players where they are most needed.

In the A level, there is a 9-1, in the B level, there is a 8-2, and in the C level, there is a 5-4-1.

As Ruffin stated in an email to Sky-Hi News, “We believe it’s important for players, especially at this age, to value each other equally, to cheer for all successes, and to learn from all mistakes.” It is important for them all to take pride in what they have accomplished and how they have improved.

At the Meeker tournament on Sept. 30, the Cubs’ A and B squads will end their season. 

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About Micah Drews

After playing volleyball at an international level for several years, I now work out and write for Volleyball Blaze. Creating unique and insightful perspectives through my experience and knowledge is one of my top priorities.

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